Gramercy Christian School’s Athletic Department is an active fulfillment of I Thessalonians 5:23, “Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely, and may your whole spirit, soul, and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.”
Gramercy has a rich history of over 35 years of Christ-centered athletics. Our coaches teach and encourage student-athletes to stir up the gifts God has deposited within them. Several student-athletes have gone on to participate in college athletics, while others earned appointments at military academies. As described by one of our long term math faculty members, “Some of my best Math students are athletes because they understand the discipline required to play sports and manage their time, which will follow them through life.”
Gramercy athletes compete in the North Carolina Christian School Athletic Association (1A) and has consistently earned both Conference and Regional Championship titles.
Gramercy currently offers:
- Girls’ varsity soccer,
- Boys’ varsity soccer,
- Girls JV and varsity volleyball,
- Girls’ JV and varsity basketball,
- Boys’ JV and varsity basketball,
- Co-ed golf, and
- Boys’ JV and varsity baseball.
Goals for the athletic program:
- Every participant is a student-athlete.
- The first priority of every student-athlete is to maintain a transformed life through the finished work of Jesus Christ.
- Every student-athlete is encouraged to engage in the renewing of his/her mind through God’s word.
- Every student-athlete is responsible for developing his/her skills through sports while putting the team above self and honoring God.
Other highlights:
- Gramercy offers a unique environment where middle schoolers can participate on the teams and be encouraged by older teens living Christ centered lives.
- Gramercy also welcomes home school students, giving them an opportunity to fulfill their athletic passions.
- Our Warrior Booster Club and parent volunteers help us maintain a standard of excellence that honors God. They go beyond the call of duty. Their support of our student-athletes is off the charts!
- We have developed a godly, family atmosphere of servanthood in our athletic department.