Defending the Truth

Winston Churchill made the the following statement regarding truth:  “The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is.” As Christians, such a statement should make sense to us as truth is most certainly under attack, and not just in our country or society at large, but oftentimes in our schools, our churches and even our homes.  Even with the Word of God at our fingertips, it is sometimes difficult to discern what is true, and discerning truth apart from God’s Word is nearly impossible.  Still, truth is of utmost importance to both our society and our sanity, which is why Christians are charged to defend the truth.  In fact, Jude 1:3 says this:  “Dear friends, although I was very eager to write to you about the salvation we share, I felt compelled to write and urge you to contend for the faith that was once for all entrusted to God’s holy people.”

On Saturday, November 18th, Emerald Isle Chapel by the Sea is hosting the 2017 Defend the Truth Conference where a select panel of Christian theologians, educators, and authors will address many of the critical issues challenging the church today.  Gramercy’s very own William Adams will be speaking on “Righteousness, Justice, & Racial Unity,” and you are invited to come and take part!  

The Conference Sessions are from 9am to 4pm at Emerald Isle Chapel By The Sea. The Conference Fee is $20/adult & $10/student payable at registration and includes lunch with the speakers. Books and DVDs will be available for purchase and an opportunity to make a tax-exempt donation will be provided.  Seating is limited, so visit the Apologetics Conference link at or call 252-354-3210 to reserve your place.
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